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Easy, At-home Solutions to Brighten Up Your Eyes

Easy, At-home Solutions to Brighten Up Your Eyes

The impact of our constant exposure to screens, blue-light, poor sleep cycle, and an unhealthy lifestyle is most prominently visible in our eyes and the area surrounding them. This is because our skin is naturally thinner and more fragile around the eyes. It is common knowledge that concealers and colour-correctors do the job of hiding this impact temporarily, however there are multiple at-home solutions to brighten the eyes and prevent them from appearing tired and puffy without the use of makeup. With the official holiday and festive season in place, it is the perfect time to start prepping our skin for a radiant glow from within. The first step is to take care of our eyes and combat the most recurrent problems—dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines. Fortunately, targeting these problems is easier than you think with some simple steps that can be followed at home. Here’s a lowdown on easy, at-home solutions to brighten your eyes.

Improve your diet

It is a popular saying that what we put into our body is reflected and manifested on the outside. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the intake of salty foods and alcohol as they significantly exacerbate the appearance of eye bags. By improving our diet and incorporating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, our eyes and the area surrounding them will begin appearing naturally healthy and bright.

Investing in an eye cream

Regular application of a good eye cream works wonders for the eyes. The area around the eyes does not work to keep itself hydrated. Hence, it is advisable to invest in a hydrating and nourishing eye cream to wake up tired eyes and reduce signs of ageing. The Perenne Replenishing Under Eye Repair Gel Cream is a lightweight product that is designed to do just that. It contains key ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and carotenoids. The former firms the skin to provide a more youthful appearance and the latter acts as a protective barrier against blue-light and blue-light induced oxidative stress. Using a small amount of this eye gel cream goes a long way.

Stimulating circulation

Under-eye bags and puffiness are often caused due to poor lymphatic circulation. This can be usually prevented by being mindful of a couple of practices such as:

  1. Sleeping on your back instead of sleeping on your side as this, in turn, allows fluid to build-up under the eyes causing dehydration and puffiness.
  2. Regular exercise and eye massages to enhance blood circulation.
  3. Staying hydrated and drinking lots of liquids is not only great for your overall system but it also improves blood circulation and allows the blood to flow more easily.

Thorough cleansing

Sleeping with eye makeup on can lead to dryness and irritation, not to mention, any makeup residue, excess oil, and dirt can clog pores and make the skin appear dull and lackluster. Thus, thorough cleansing of the eyes in your daily skincare regimen is a must to ensure healthy and bright looking eyes. The Perenne Nourishing Cleansing Cream is ideal for deeply cleansing the skin and removing all impurities. Enriched with the goodness of grapefruit and glycerine, it leaves the skin—especially the sensitive area around the eyes—feeling soft and smooth.

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